tastes like chicken

''a blog with bite, but still goes down nice''... stimulating prose, insightful commentary, unabashedly poetic, and occasionally political (with a left hook). in a word, goodread. hope you enjoy it.

Thursday, July 21, 2005

''The Treasure''

The treasure, it's buried at the bottom of the sea.
Fifty, eighty leagues---it matters not to me.
In its steel case lies the heart of a fool,
unassuming in wonder
best forgotten than plundered.


Tuesday, July 19, 2005

Iraq Body Count

More than 25,000 Iraqi civilians killed in Bush's War

according to international watchdog organization Iraq Body Count

Someone is doing the counting...even if president Bush does not want to scare Americans with big numbers.


Sunday, July 17, 2005

from my hotel bed in paris

Nearing the end of my journey
I am aware of what it is and what it is not,
what it had and what it would not include.
If I had known the course from the beginning
would I have been the wiser now?